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With all of the commercials featured in this year’s Super Bowl, how could you possibly choose the best ones?

The criteria I used to determine this year’s top ads were based on:

  1. Memorability
  2. Effectiveness in Conveying the Company’s Message Clearly
  3. Ability to Change the Perception of the Brand in a More Positive Way

Based on these three components, it is no surprise (or maybe it is) that Pringles,, and Amazon were my favorites. 


What Elements of the Ad Were Memorable?

I. The Component of Relatability- we all know what it’s like getting your hand stuck in the container reaching for the last chips at the bottom; it’s frustrating but part of the Pringles experience.

II. The Words- the phrase that appears at the end of the video “Get Stuck In” seems like Pringles’ way of telling us to embrace the aforementioned Pringles experience. 

III. The Humor- the ultrasound of the baby with its hand stuck in the Pringles container was definitely one of the most comical scenes of the entire commercial. The overarching message really shined through: 

No matter who you are,

What your background is, 

Or even your age, 

You’ll love Pringles

IV. The Celebrity Appearance- Meghan Trainor, one of my favorite artists that was featured in the ad, created a more personal connection with the people that share the same love for Pringles.

How Effective was Pringles in Conveying Their Message?

I believe Pringles did a phenomenal job at articulating their message to the viewers. The company placed a heavy emphasis on a sense of eagerness to eat their chips and conveyance to likeability towards the brand among the different people featured in the ad. 

To What Extent was Pringles Able to Change the Perception of Their Brand in a More Positive Way?

I may be a bit biased since sour cream and onion Pringles is my favorite salty snack and I have never had much desire to try their other kinds of chips. But the humor and confidence shown in their brand has made me more willing to try the other flavors in hopes that they will be as good as their sour cream and onion!

What Elements of the Ad Were Memorable?

I. The Music- the music that played in the ad was catchy and certainly a mark of remembrance between the brand, its jingle, and consumers. 

II. The Time Travel Visuals- the “energy” that was generated from traveling from place to place and hotel to hotel around the world was revitalizing. The feelings of excitement and desire to visit new and beautiful sites will make me think of when reserving my next vacation.

III. The App Usage- the introduction of the video that shows their app created a vivid memory of how the app looks on a mobile phone. Without referencing the commercial, I can remember the company’s colors of blue and white. Brand recall is strong here!

How Effective was in Conveying Their Message?

After watching their commercial, it seems as though the company is founded on ensuring convenience and ease of use. With just a few clicks of a button, you can search and book hotels or flights through 

To What Extent was Booking.Com Able to Change the Perception of Their Brand in a More Positive Way? has certainly positioned themselves as a premier third-party reservation and booking system that prioritizes convenience with the most up to date flights, hotels, and car rental information. provides the tools and features in letting you see different places to visit, different places to stay, and different ways to get there. So whether you’re ready to book a trip now or just virtually searching until you’re ready for that next exciting excursion, this site has you covered.


What Elements of the Ad Were Memorable?

I. The Emotional Touchpoints- as an animal lover, seeing a dog featured in any commercial is enough to catch my attention. But when it is framed in a way that shows the dog as lonely, it makes me more compelled to keep watching since I am now emotionally invested in hopes of a joyful ending.

II. The Surprise Ending- during the last scene of the ad, presenting the kennel purchased from Amazon led the audience to believe that our four-legged friend may now need to be confined in order to contain his playful and destructive antics. But use of the Amazon ordered kennel turns from containment to companionship when the family’s newest puppy walks out from the unit.

III. The Camera Work- following the dog as though we are feeling and seeing life from the dog’s perspective is an exceptional aspect of the commercial. We gain a sense of familiarity with how the dog experiences its day-to-day occurrences and helps illustrate a more vivid image of how Amazon will begin to play an impactful role in its life and the lives of the family members. 

How Effective was Amazon in Conveying Their Message?

Since the story surrounding the dog’s loneliness and desire for more affection as well as interaction was introduced before we knew it was a commercial produced by Amazon, we created an attachment to the dog. As the ad progressed, those attachments and emotional connections I created translated into feeling a deeper relationship to Amazon itself. 

To What Extent was Amazon Able to Change the Perception of Their Brand in a More Positive Way?

Even as a loyal customer, I can say that my emotional attachment to the brand has heightened after this commercial, given that Amazon has illustrated themselves as an “empathetic” brand. You cannot deny that Amazon has a wide array of products and services to suit most everyone, but now I can also say that it can fulfill psychological desires as well. 

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