New England Aquarium
Media Mix
Social Media
Community Management
With a limited amount of time how can we create a city-wide call to arms?
With developer plans to erect a 600 foot tower in the heart of Boston’s Central Wharf, New England Aquarium decided to take actions against the private interests of a developer and instead focus on the public benefits for the City of Boston and its residents.
Our Mission
Two weeks was all the time New England Aquarium had before the Boston Planning & Development Agency held their meeting to hear the public’s views on the proposed construction.
Two weeks was all the time DeVito/Verdi had to build a brand and convert local residents into advocates for a Better Boston.
Plans To Develop A 600ft Tower Blocking The Waterfront
High Environmental Impact On The Waterfront and Future Development
Stop The Build With A Unanimous City Vote
Aimed at educating residents and converting them into public meeting advocates, a multimedia mix digital campaign was launched using the newly established brand Save Boston’s Waterfront. Save Boston’s Waterfront acted as a single entity that residents and businesses would be able to stand behind to show local officials what they were in support of.
Creative was developed with the intention of resonating strongly with Bostonians and climate activists in the city of Boston as the bulk of educational material was housed on a custom website developed for this campaign. Images of iconic Boston history with the tag line “Boston is known for standing up for what’s right, it’s time to do it again” along with images of Boston Fire Department working during a preventable flooding situation with the tag line “It’s easy to ignore the signs of climate change, unless of course you’re a first responder.” were the main pieces of creatives used.
The campaign utilized placements on search and display networks as well as both recreational and professional social platforms. While the majority of impressions served went to adults in Boston, a large portion of the budget went to environmental interests through contextual and behavioral targeting. By developing a plan that included mass reach while simultaneously targeting a niche audience with specific creative we were able to garner significant results which included generating more attendees than the meeting could house.

Project Stats